Quite a few people were interested in how I made the name necklace, this post is kind of a step by step of the process.
A present for a very good friend of mines 21st birthday. We wanted to do something that was personal, a name necklace seemed the perfect choice (I would imagine she finds it difficult to find things with her name on, as do I!)
Firstly I picked out a font I liked and printed it out to size onto a sticky label, which I could then stick to the silver. Doing it this way just makes it easier when you are sawing around it and stops it from moving about (useful tip!)
This is the back of the cut out, you can just about make out the start of a backwards F
On a very lovely sunny day I sat in the garden cutting around the font with a piercing saw, similar to a coping saw but slightly smaller with a much thinner blade. The thin blade makes it easier to cut around curves and corners, essential for a project like this.
This side shows the sticker attached to the silver, which is being held in a tiny clamp to keep the piece steady as I cut it. (Any woodwork people reading this I really could do with a bench peg...) Once cut out I went back through with tiny files and sandpaper to neaten up the curves and edges to make it more defined.
The E and the Y needed drilling to create the holes which I did using the Dremel (an electric multi tool that can do practically everything)
To enable it to be hung from a chain I soldered two jump rings to either end and then attached the chain with two further jump rings. Lots and lots of polishing later with the Dremel, first with the tripoli and then with the rouge, the piece was finally finished. Just in time to make it to the party with these cool little welly vases!